The inventorie of what estate belongs to Mary Evans one of the orpts of Mary Evans Decd as the estate was devided the first day of October 1679 by Wm Wise and Anthony Lamb according to order of Court

Imp one stere ffower yeares old
one steere 3 yeares old
One Cow tenne yeares old
Two Cows ffower yeare old apeece
one ffeather bed bolster and pillow
one hamaker one old white Rugg & blankett
one brass ketle holding about nine gallons
one great Chest
One great pewter dish one small old pewter dish
Two pewter porringers seaven Spoones
one Tinn dripping pan one tinn Candlesticke
One old tinn Sawce pan & Kettle
Three pewter Sawcers
one flatt smoothing Iron
one pair of fire tongues
One small Stone Ringe
three Iron wedges
thre English milke trayes one bowle
One great butter Pott
One Cutting Knife
One Grindstone one old fine Sifter
one glass gallon botle

Anthony Lambe
William Wise

Sworne to in Court 26th Octo 1680 Recorded Test RA Cl Cur Ebor
Francis Penrice